We are often asked, "So what do you do in the wintertime?", to which we of course, reply, "What else but eat bonbons all day long?!". All jesting aside, winters on our farm are certainly more physically restful and indoors than the rest of the year. But that doesn't translate into bonbons all day (just some of the time). Oleh catches up on his pleasure reading (I try not to stop at all), we do our part for the economy by filing our taxes, accomplish a few more bits on the farmhouse renovation, watch a few movies, correct some homework, visit with friends & family, complete a myriad of government agricultural surveys, try to get through as much of the "to-do" list as we can before spring arrives and it all comes to a grinding halt.
And although our veggies are resting all cozy in the snow-covered ground or as photos in seed catalogs, our neighbor-producers in the Rondout Valley area are busy tending their animals, keeping the water from freezing, turning milk into cheese & other goodies, moving hay bales and watching over babies being born. Others are getting the lines & taps ready to turn maple sap into the liquid gold of syrup. And so, Rondout Valley Organics is the place to be for eating locally just a bit more, all year-round! Our members picked up their monthly orders this week, enjoying grass-fed meats, goat cheese products (even fudge!!), maple syrup, honey and more. They can even pick up some gift certificates for those friends who have everything. Visit us and see what you've been missing!