Hanford Mills Museum is offering a historic cooking workshop using the Royal Bride wood-fired cook stove in the John Hanford Farmhouse. The "Cooking with the Royal Bride" workshop on Saturday, October 18th will show you how to make relishes, chutneys, potted cheese, and conserves using techniques and recipes from the 1920s. The workshop includes a soup and salad lunch, and take home items.
The workshop will be led by Pamela Cooley, a familiar face to those who attend events at Hanford Mills Museum.
Maria McCashion, who participated in two of Pamela Cooley’s workshops last fall, said, “Pamela conducted the class in a manner I would describe with words like stealth, effortless, casual, and joyful. The experience was an absolute pleasure.”
Pamela Cooley has been cooking on wood-fired cook stoves for over 18 years, and frequently demonstrates at Hanford Mills, where she was named Volunteer of the Year. She also has demonstrated open hearth and bake oven cooking at Genesee Country Village and Museum, Landis Valley Museum, The Farmers’ Museum, and Old Sturbridge Village.
Advance registration needed
The workshop is limited to eight participants and is intended for ages 13 and up. Handouts with recipes and cook stove tips will be provided. Register by October 10 for the October 18 workshop. The cost is $45 for Museum members, $55 for non-members. Register online www.hanfordmills.org or by calling 607.278.5744. The workshop runs 9:30 am to 2:00 pm.
About Hanford Mills Museum
Hanford Mills Museum is located at 51 County Hwy. 12, at the intersection of Delaware County Routes 10 and 12, in East Meredith, NY, 10 miles from Oneonta and 15 miles from Delhi. Children 12 and under are admitted free, as are Museum members.
As one of only a handful of operating water-powered mills, Hanford Mills Museum has earned a place on both the National and New York State Registers of Historic Places. The mission of Hanford Mills Museum is to inspire audiences of all ages to explore connections between energy, technology, natural resources and entrepreneurship in rural communities with a focus on sustainable choices.
For more information, visit www.hanfordmills.org or call 607.278.5744.