Celebrate Columbus Day in Roxbury Columbus Day weekend in Roxbury is filled with art, music, fine cuisine, and plenty of activities for children. Highlights: Fiddlers perform at the Roxbury Arts Group Plattepalooza Fall Festival celebrates its sixth season at Plattekill Mountain Orphic Gallery is hosting a photography show Several Roxbury artists will once again open their studios to the public Plattepalooza Fall Festival at Pattekill MountainSaturday, October 10, 11 am to 5 pmKids Activities include: * Face Painting ! * Pumpkin Painting ! * Bounce House ! * Magic Show @ 1pm ! * Balloon Clown ! * Homemade cider press ! Plus... * Live music with Country Music Band "WHISKY CROSS" !* Scenic Fall Foliage Chairlift Rides ! * Vendors ! * Ski Swap Sale ! * BBQ with fall fare and homemade in-season soups ! FIDDLERS! 22 at Roxbury Arts CenterSunday, October 11, noon to 7 pmFor over two decades, FIDDLERS! revolved around Catskill fiddling legend Hilt Kelly, whose music and presence and in-spiration filled the Roxbury Arts Center. This year FIDDLERS! 22 will feature a wide array of talent: Champion Canadian fid-dling phenom Linsey Beckett brings award-winning musician-ship and expert clogging; fiddler Brittany Haas, of newgrass stars Crooked Still, and celebrated dancer-musician Nic Ga-reiss offer up songs and percussive step-dancing; famed fid-dlers Laura Kortright and Steve Jacobi will bring boot-stompin’ tunes; old time string band The Tremperskill Boys’ distinctive Scotch-Irish fueled, hard driving Appalachian sound is guaranteed to get the dancers spinning. Throughout the day, special guests will take the stage to pay tribute to Hilt Kelly in song and story, while gourmet food truck Ate-O-Ate catering serves up high-quality, down-home fare. Audience members are encouraged to bring their instruments and join the bands in the All-Star Jam, a highlight of FIDDLERS! Roxbury Artists Open Their StudiosCeramicists and printmakers Peter Yamaoka and Gerda Van Leeuwen as well as weaver Tabitha Gilmore-Barnes, three accomplished Roxbury artists, will open their studios over the Columbus Day weekend this year, and show their working spaces. All three artists, who also teach year round, will demonstrate their craft and talk about the techniques they use in making new objects.Peter and Gerda’s studios are located at 777 Carroll Hinkley Rd. in Roxbury. For directions, call (607) 326-4402.Tabitha’s studio is located at 424 Carr George Rd. in Denver. For directions, call (607) 326-7662. Orphic Gallery Is Hosting a Photography ShowJohn Lenihan’s Travels to CubaOrphic Gallery, located right on Main Street in Rox-bury, is hosting a photography show by history pro-fessor and amateur photographer John Lenihan. Le-nihan traveled to Cuba recently, and amassed hun-dreds of photographs capturing people, vintage cars, historic buildings, and food.