Greater Roxbury Business Association (GRBA) invites you to its monthly business mixer and networking event Tuesday, April 26 at 5:30 p.m., at the Roxbury Fire Hall, 53613 State Hwy 30, Roxbury.
This month we will continue with an open format mixer that includes business news, featured speakers, and a general discussion. Our motto is “Grow by One”: we encourage you to bring a friend.
This is a potluck event: please, bring a dish to pass. GRBA will provide adult beverages. The event is free and open to the public. A suggested donation of $10 will help GRBA advance its mission to continue to foster economic development opportunities in Roxbury. For more information, email roxburybusinessassociation@gmail.com.
Greater Roxbury Business Association (GRBA) for the Town of Roxbury, NY is a community / grassroots organization comprised of business owners and self-employed individuals working to increase awareness of existing businesses in the community, and to build a more cohesive and prosperous business environment, to serve the hamlets of Roxbury, Grand Gorge and Denver. The GRBA receives technical assistance from the MARK Project -- a 501 ( c ) (3) not-for-profit community and economic development organization. For more information, visit roxburybusinessassociation.com.